Sunday, July 20, 2008


We always do better if we are Interested, Inspired and Implement our plan. As Leaders we need to create the Interest. A couple of suggestions on this;


Bring to their attention examples of when interest created success. Like the best game you ever played on the computer or on the court. Or how about when you were in school-what classes did you do the best in? The classes you enjoyed the most. Therefore in order to create an interest you must look at ways to enjoy what you are doing. If you count up the hours you are awake, deduct the hours you worked and transportation you will see the math. Basically you are working and commuting approximately 10+ hours a day. By challenging yourself-just like you do whether you are playing a video game or sport activity-you are also making your time spent enjoyable, interesting and developing your future. So face the facts-do you want to go through life board or do you want to go through life interested?


Each day as a leader you will have many opportunities to Inspire yourself and others. Take this opportunity to the max. You will automatically inspire yourself if you take the time to inspire others. Your thought patterns will seek the positive ways so while you are thinking you are putting your mind in a positive mood.


We live in a world of great ideas, opportunities and brilliant minds. But the challenge is all in the implementation. We all think brilliant but when it comes time to execute we all fall short. It’s where you can be a real allie or enemy to yourself. Sitting on an idea or motivation amounts to nothing until we Implement. Just think if people like Thomas Edison or Henry Ford didn’t implement their ideas. We wouldn’t be on the technology highway to success. Our streets would be filled with horse-shit and we wouldn’t have lights so we would be stepping on it all the time. Thomas failed over 1,500 times before he got it right. I’m sure Henry Ford didn’t get it 100% when he started either. My point is unless we take chances and fail we will never be a success. It’s not always the one who thinks up the idea who gets the credit-it’s the one who implements the idea.

Of course none of this will happen if you don’t believe in yourself first. Who would want to follow or trust someone’s direction if the person leading can’t believe in themselves? Doubt is the devils favorite ingredient.

Enjoy and Prosper!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008



In order to sell anything well in life you first must have the confidence in oneself. Tell yourself what you can do rather than what you can’t. We naturally look at the negatives in life because that’s what we are afraid of-what we need to worry about. We set up our own walls and create a comfort box-or a casket!

Success is beyond the walls we create. Isolate what’s on your mind and take steps to avoid repetitive thinking about what it is. I call it “circle thinking.” We keep thinking about the problem but don’t stay in a strait line to approach fixing it. We keep going in circles but don’t take direction. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line-try to think in a strait line to fix your challenges.

The most important part of your day is when you awake. Your attitude will determine how well your day will go. I like to look at the days challenges head on when I awaken. I determine what I can fix and what I can’t. What I can fix I schedule a time to address it. What I can’t fix I make myself realize “worrying about it will only make my life and matters worse.”

A national poll in the States last year conducted by TIME magazine showed 95% of what we worry about actually never happens!

No one is an island-we all need others help. So look for confidence building support but try 1st on your own. You may have someone who needs your help more than you need there’s so prepare. To prepare, 1st give thanks for the opportunity today will bring-“Daily Bread”. Next point out all the Blessings we do have-arms, legs, family, friends, opportunity, our five senses, smile etc… Affirmations.

On the Sales floor;

There are three crucial areas to be aware of;
ourselves-covered above our product- the gifts/tools (see addendum)our company-Wyndham, the worlds largest. How did Wyndham get to be number one? Taking care of the customers needs! Putting the customer 1st!


“Success can only begin with today’s Victory”

The Four T’s:

Time Utilization- Every minute of every day is an opportunity for a prosperous future.
Talent- Do you fit the roll? Motivation, Desire, English…
Tools- Phones, lines, gifts, customer (leads), product, Company etc.
Team-Staff(team), Support, Pride, Family



Are we all on the same Team?
Do we want to measure up or justify?
Does your Teammate want success as much as you do?
Are we Motivating up?


Good day Team.

A way to look at your responsibilities and be successful…

1st off, let’s remind ourselves we all are part of a Team. Not just with AIMS but in most everything we do in Life. Our Family, Church, Friends, School, sports etc are all teams. Even at AIMS we are on several Teams. Whether it’s the Team Leaders/Agents Teams, Team Leader Team, Confirmer Team, Managers as a Team, Managers Team, Resort Team, Continent Team-we are all on Teams. What that means is if we only think of ourselves we will never be able to compete with Teams. The sum of a team’s efforts are always much greater than an individuals. We feed off our teams Energy. We need the Motivation and Self Intimidation for Stimulation, Confidence and Energy. Sometimes we can pick our Team and sometimes we can’t. But the bottom line is once we accept this fact and use it as a Given and Motivator we can and will drive ourselves to be better. So what sacrifices and contributions we make to the team will always reward us with inspiration.

I always like to Celebrate success with my Team and when I or my Team isn’t a success it’s my responsibility to take the 1st bullet/blame. I say that because it’s much easier to fix ourselves 1st; for we are most in control of ourselves. After we assume this we can always be a better contributor to our Team and that’s where we need to depend on developing our strengths- being together as one!
There are two ways to teach and learn about getting better:

The 1st way is teaching “product knowledge.” Training about the offer, gifts, sites, scripts etc…
The 2nd way is in self discipline and confidence.

So, 1st break it down as to which is needed and be more effective. No since in building confidence if we don’t know what we are talking about and no since training about product knowledge if we don’t Implement confidence to deliver. It’s like building the perfect race car but not knowing how to drive it or being the best driver and only having a mule cart-you aren’t going to win unless both are a Team within yourselves.

So be brave and take control of your responsibilities-Implement!

If you are an Agent; Always bring “you’re A game” with positivity. Each day, before you arrive to the office, have a plan. Know what you need to work on like time management, embellishment, confidence, being assumptive, working on referrals, setting callbacks and reminding yourselves how good it feels to be successful at the end of the day. Look at your strengths so you can contribute to the common goals of the Team. We all are human and things happen each day in life that may work for us or we need to count on our Team to help us.

If you are a Confirmer; Same as the agent but also remind yourself of your responsibility to get the tour in the door. No one makes any money until the tour shows and it’s your job to do so. Create your own motivator to be confident and assumptive. Remember your responsibility to assert yourself whether it’s in your product, the gift or the integrity.

When coming to Qualifying the customer you should only be asking “So were you askedabout the qualifications required to receive your gift?” (make sure the Verifier, formally Team Leader, Verified the qualifications). This at the 15 minute callback point.
When doing the friendly call: “So you received your confirmation letter and had a chance to go over it? Great, then you are familiar on how to get to the presentation center? Ok, please make sure you bring your confirmation letter and plan to arrive 15 minutes early because we start off the presentation with a video on vacationing right after we offer you snacks and beverages. Now if I can be of any more assistance please call me at ____ . My name is (first name only).”

If you are the Manager; Always have your next day planned before you rest the night before-you will sleep better and be more confident when you awake. Realize and follow up with an Affirmation and/or Prayer for the Opportunity you’ve been entitled to.

And please always remind yourself that nothing is impossible if you have the will, desire and a plan. You will always be your own worst enemy or be your best allie-it depends on you!


We are our own worst enemy! We create fear in ourselves-doubt our abilities. When I speak with successful people I hear confidence. They look for challenges rather than avoid them. They realize their competition will have the same challenges so to beat them they look forward to rise above the challenge. They fear but they turn fear into guts and look at opportunities to break through their confidence challenges. They know they will fail at times but believe “nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

Confidence requires knowledge. I believe our existing staff has the knowledge but we aren’t practicing and believing enough in ourselves to perfect our pitch.

Assume the product is right (beneficial to the consumer).
Assume the customer will profit by believing you.
Have a plan.
Have a “poker face” (look/sound confident).
Fight for success.
Don’t delegate responsibilities you yourself can do better.
Respect your daily opportunity.
Don’t wait/depend on others for you to maximize your opportunities-take control.
Take calculated chances
I would rather be wrong and learn than to not chance it
Own your situation-to procrastinate will never be a solution.



Lately I’m been seeing where some of you aren’t following my DIRECTION.

Some of you maybe thinking at times I’m just giving SUGGESTIONS. If you are confused please ask. We are now coming on our peak season. I want all of you to be as successful as possible. This takes Direction and Teamwork.

Sometimes you may not want to take on a different way at looking at things but when we aren’t all on the same page with common goals it can make the task impossible. You ALL are very valuable people to co Employees, Company, Family but mostly to Yourselves.

I can assure you that my directions are Always to your benefit and growth. Everyday you don’t progress you actually regress-life has a way of doing that. My Mission Statement in Life is “If I make everyone around me a Success then I will be a success”.

Culturally Americans and Filipinos are different. The reason I’m here is not the traffic, pollution, crowds and constantly hot-oven hotter then when I lived in Egypt. It’s because of the beautiful hearts. I can see it in all your eyes. But at times this is a “double-edged sword”. Sometimes you can’t just let yourselves look the other way of responsibilities-you need to confront them. Strength!

So please in the future, please follow my direction. I want to develop you all, not just for the job but more for Life. In a lot of ways I’m not Proud to be American. Americans think the wayfor all-it’s not. But we are looked at as the worlds Super Power. With that in mind I hope you can see where I can be a good seg-way between Culture and Success. Culture is very important but it comes from the past. Success starts today-every day. So keep importance in your Culture but remember the past is the past-you can’t change it but you can always benefit from it.

The 1st way is teaching “product knowledge.” Training about the offer, gifts, sites, scripts etc…
The 2nd way is in self discipline and confidence.

So 1st break it down as to which is needed and be more effective. No since in building confidence if we don’t know what we are talking about and no since training about product knowledge if we don’t Implement confidence to deliver. It’s like building the perfect race car but not knowing how to drive it or being the best driver and only having a mule cart-you aren’t going to win unless both are a Team within yourselves.

So be brave and take control of your responsibilities-Implement!

If you are an Agent; Always bring “you’re A game” with positivity. Each day, before you arrive to the office, have a plan. Know what you need to work on like time management, embellishment, confidence, being assumptive, working on referrals, setting callbacks and reminding yourselves how good it feels to be successful at the end of the day. Look at your strengths so you can contribute to the common goals of the Team. We all are human and things happen each day in life that may work for us or we need to count on our Team to help us.

If you are a Confirmer; Same as the agent but also remind yourself of your responsibility to get the tour in the door. No one makes any money until the tour shows and it’s your job to do so. Create your own motivator to be confident and assumptive. Remember your responsibility to assert yourself whether it’s in your product, the gift or the integrity. When coming to Qualifying the customer you should only be asking “So were you asked to prepare?"

1st give thanks for the opportunity today will bring-“Daily Bread”. Next point out all the Blessings we do have-arms, legs, family, friends, opportunity, our five senses, smile etc… Affirmations.

On the Sales floor;

There are three crucial areas to be aware of;
ourselves-covered above
our product- the gifts/tools (see addendum)
our company-Wyndham, the worlds largest. How did Wyndham get to be number one? Taking care of the customers needs! Putting the customer 1st!


In order to appreciate our customer, I feel as though it would be good to identify a few different characteristic differences and commonalities.

  1. Medium age for a Filipino is 22.5- Medium age for an American as of last month by CNN is 45 y.o.
  2. Average mortality age for a Filipino is 44. The Average mortality age of an American, according to CNN is just over 80 y.o.
  3. The cost of a Big Mac, Fries and Coke here is about 100p. The same meal in the States is over $5.00usd
  4. Filipinos are used to depending on public transportation-Americans are used to traveling by their own transportation. So what I get from this is Filipinos are more used to waiting where as Americans aren’t. This creates a lack of patience in our customer. My point where it affects us is we need to be aware that Americans aren’t as patient as Filipinos. When we “beat around the bush” rather than getting to the point as to the offer and why we called we are upsetting the customer-GET TO THE POINT!
  5. Americans are used to using credit cards for everything. It’s easier for Americans to itemize where they spend their money and allows them to not need to carry much cash. When I make a reservation for travel or entertainment over here I need to go to the travel agency or ticket office where as in the States I simply pick up the phone, make the reservation and give my credit card.
  6. Filipinos are more family people and often have multiple generations living together-Americans leave home at 18 y.o.
  7. Most Filipinos, at least in urban areas speak two languages-Americans only speak one language.
  8. In the Philippines the sun normally goes down between 5:30p-6:30p all year round. In the States, since we are much further from the equator, in the winter the sun goes down as early as 4:30p (December) and in summer as late 8:30p (July and August).
  9. In the Philippines we really only have two seasons-rainy and really rainy. The temperature varies only slightly all year-24 hours a day. In the States they have four distinct seasons and the temperature changes drastically depending on the season as well as in a day. In a 24 hour period, particularly in winter, the temperature can change 50 degrees in one twenty four hour period.
  10. The estimated yearly average household income here is $8,500+ usd. In the States the average income is somewhere between $50k-$60k. That’s over 6.5 times as much.


    Shyness is the biggest challenge we have here in regards to be competitive in our industry. Americans expect an Agent, Team Leader/Closer to be “pushy”-it’s their job. Success is when you take a leap of faith in oneself-you have nothing to loose but time and opportunity if you don’t give it a shot.

